it's better to be hated for who you are, then loved for who you are not.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Are ya ready for some

I know lots of people couldn't give a shit that there was no hockey last year, but I did. I can't wait to see how the game plays with all the new rule changes and players changing teams. The only problem is that the NHL has no TV deal yet. ESPN better give me hockey in hi def at least twice a week.

Friday, July 29, 2005

What a day.

Well, it certainly was an eventful day at the McCullough household. Heather has had some dental work that has needed taken care of for a long time, but when she's pregnant for the majority of the past 3 years, it's hard to get it done. Anywho, I came home from physical therapy to find her in agony and sobbing about how bad her head hurts, so I figured something needed to be done immediatley. She had already called all the Dentists in town to set up an appointment, but they were all either closed, or had no openings till next week. She sure as hell didn't look like she could last another hour, let along another week. So I called the dental office here on base and thankfully they said she could come in. Good for her, bad for me. So while they were busy removing a nerve from one of her teeth, I was at home trying to control the kids. They know I am injured, they are like wild animals, toying with me just to watch me try to stop them. Aidan kicked the gate down and would begin to head upstairs while Ethan would run around screaming to get my attention. It only got worse when I attempted to feed Gracie. Since I am not blessed with breasts, I have to give her a bottle, which she has NEVER taken before, and was in no hurry to do today. So while I try to feed her a bottle that she just spits back at me, the boys decide to rush the gate into the dining room and run wild in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and make a decent attempt at getting into the garage before I can get a hold of both of them. Finally, I turned on Pee Wee's Big Adventure, stuck Aidan in his high chair and dragged him into the living room, sat Ethan on the couch next to me, and finally got Gracie to take a bottle. Not long after, I heard the garage door open and the nightmare was over.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Madden 360 pics.

Presenting Mr. Shaun Alexander. By the way, these pics are from E3 and the game will look considerably better than this by the time we get out grubby paws on it.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Day of Reckoning 2

Check out the legends that have been named so far. This will probably be one of my final gamecube purchases.

Friday, July 22, 2005

For my fellow Star Wars Nerds..

If they nail down the gameplay, this could be a great game. I don't know why a Star Wars game like this hasn't come out already, but I know I will be counting down the days for this one.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

And even MORE pics.

Don't read, just look.

Guess What?...more pictures!

Heather is back to taking an insane amount of pictures everyday. My harddrive will be full soon enough.

Far Cry Instincts

I know Mr. Valez had once mentioned to me that he wanted a game that had a map editor that we could create and swap our own created maps over Xbox Live with. Well, this game is does just that, and look pretty damn good too. Hopefully the game plays as good as it looks.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I took my first steps today! Last time it took me over 3 weeks to gimp across the living room, but this time I managed to do it in 12 days. I have also gotten a great deal of my flexibility back, which is nice, and my physical therapist was very happy about that. But I still have a lot of swelling and a giant bruise that refuses to go away. Anyways, I think I could be walking limp free by September, October at the latest. From there, it is just getting the strength back. Which may take a bit as the muscle has atrpohied quite a bit, ahhh well in due time.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Madden 2006

The new Madden is almost here. I am not the biggest fan of Madden, but since there is no alternative now, I guess I have to settle for second rate football games the next decade. Anywho, this year's new gimmick is the vision cones and will now make passing a pain in the ass and a "truck stick" for the bigger running backs like Bettis or Jamal Lewis so they can break tackles with ease now, unless you're playing with the fatigue on. I'm sure the game will be a lot better than last year's and I will definetly pick it up since I am a football freak, but I think without any competition this game is going to lose lots of luster over the next few years. See ya on Live fools. Here is a link to give a more in depth look at the game.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Now that's cool.

nothing clever to write here. Just wanted to let you all know the Carlito owns us all.

Gamers unite!

The new generation of gaming will be here before we all know it. I don't want to say which one is better, but I have reserved my 360 already and do plan on getting a PS3 at some point depending on the price. Anywho, instead of listening to me blab on like a dipshit about how insane the games look, you should just see for yourself.

Kikizo Games: E3 2005: Ultimate Video Coverage - PS3, X360, Rev, PSP, DS & Current-Gen

Music sweet music

As most of you know I am a music fiend. Here are a few cd's you should all check out to broaden your musical horizons.
The new System of a Down is the best cd I have heard in years. Just f'ing greatness all around. Fantomas-Suspended Animation and the only way I could describe it is copy and paste metal that is played with amazing percision. The middle cd is a Type O Negative cd that I have never seen, but I liked the cover since they are such a dark band, good luck finding that one. And the last one is Life of Agony's Broken Valley. I love it. Just a great rock album that is better written than 95% of the music you hear nowadays.

Oh yeah,

My knee is still swollen like hell and I am still in quite a bit of pain. I have started my physical therapy and have a bunch of exercises I have to do 3-5 times a day. Hopefully I will be walking again in a couple of weeks since I can already put a good bit of weight on it, it's just the flexibility that is a little behind as of right now. I should be walking limp free by September, but I will be in physical therapy for quite a while still. Apparently ACL revisions (tearing the same ACL twice) is kind of uncommon and my doctor here on base has never seen it before in 19 years, so this is kind of new territory for her too. Oh well, what cha' gonna do?

Yes..even more pictures.

even more.

the boys..

I'm bored so I am gonna put some more pictures up. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

More Pictures

here are some more pictures of the family. well, Gracie at least.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

boy this sucks.

Well I finally made it back downstairs again yesterday after sitting in bed for two days and some very intense pain every time I tried to stand up. I actually called the doctor because the swelling was getting really bad, but they said to just keep it elevated and ice it down, and after two days straight of that, I feel pretty good.
The baby is doing great. She sleeps a lot and the boys are very good to her. Ethan is always kissing her head and Aidan like to tickle her feet. Heather's mom is going home next Friday, and after that is when the real fun will begin. I will do as much as I can, but I know it won't be too much since there is no way in hell I will be able to chase a 2 year old and and soon to be 15 month just isn't possible two weaks after ACL surgery and I don't think the wife realizes this, but she will soon enough. Maybe we will have to recruit some other family members to help out if this is too much for us, though I doubt we will have any volunteers. Oh well, I am outa here. I start physical therapy tomorrow morning so I will give the big report on how that goes some time tomorrow.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Pictues of me and the baby and me in pain.

I must say not being able to walk sucks immensly, but my kids have been keeping me in high spirits for the most part. I should be on my feet again in a few weeks, I will keep you all posted of course. The shitty thing is my knee just kinda gradually fell to shit this time. No cool football stories or life saving heroics about pushing an old lady out of the way of a bus, just a slow painful detorioration that got quite painful the last few weeks, to the point where it hurt to drive because of moving my foot from the gas to the brake. I guess it's better to get it fixed now, so this will be a bad memory in a few years when I am playing catch with my kids or doing whatever it is the choose to do. Meh..I shall post some more pictues here shortly.

Baby Gracie!

my beautiful baby girl. born on the 4th of July at 3:59 A.M. and she weighed 8lbs 6oz.

The 13th Step

Since I going to be away from work for a while and all of my other friends have pages of their own, I figured I'd do my own. Hopefully I can figure out how to post pictures and simple shit like that so it doesn't totally blow. I am also going to use this page to give updates on my recovery from my 2nd ACL reconstruction (on the same knee, no less) and brag about my beautiful children, whom I love more than anything in this world. I'm out here for now. And in the words of Bill S. Preston and Ted Theodore Logan...Be excellent to each other.