it's better to be hated for who you are, then loved for who you are not.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Best Space Ghost Ever!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Another Top 10 List!

Wow. 2006 is almost over. We're all another year older and hopefully a little bit wiser. I'm pretty bored right now so I thought I'd make a little list of my favorite games and cd's that came out this year. Maybe you'll see something you might want to check out. Maybe you won't. I don't give a shit because it's my list.

10-Red Hot Chili Peppers (Stadium Arcadium)- A double album of decent tunes. Nothing fantastic, but nothing terrible. Actually, the only thing holding this one back is Anthony Kiedis.
9-Peeping Tom(Self Titled) Mike Patton does his version of pop music. Some hits and some misses.
7-Evanescence (The Open Door) I was pretty surprised by this one since I couldn't stand their last album.
6-Mastodon (Blood Mountain) Not for everyone, definetly for me.
5-Incubus (Light Grenades) Took a few spins to really enjoy it. Now I can't stop listening to it. It's more Crow Left of the Murder than Morning View.
4-Army of Anyone (self titled) The Deleo brothers from S.T.P with Richard Patrick from Filter. Great album.
3-Isis (In the Absence of Truth) Like a much heavier Pink Floyd. Check em' out if you haven't already.
2-Tool (10,000 Days) It's Tool. It was worth the wait.
1-Deftones (Saturday Night Wrist) I love this one. Probably the best cd these guys have put out, even better than White Pony.

My Top 10 Games of the Year
10 Resistance: FoM (PS3)- Great FPS. It doesn't do anything new. The weapons are cool, but a bit unbalanced and the multiplayer is way too frantic for 40 people. Tons of stuff on the screen at once with no slowdown. ever.
9 Fight Night Rnd 3 (360)
8 Viva Pinata (360)
7 Dead Rising (360)
6 Marvel Ultimate Alliance (360)
5 Ghost Recond: Advanced Warfighter (360)
4 Rainbow Six: Vegas (360)
3 Elder Scrolls 4:Oblivion (360)-The craziest RPG I have ever played.
2 Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)-The best Zelda since Ocarina of Time on the N64. Outstanding.
1 Gears of War (Xbox 360)-Graphics that crush any other console game. Outstanding gameplay. Great multiplayer. This game not only lived up to the hype. It kicked hype in the balls.