it's better to be hated for who you are, then loved for who you are not.

Friday, July 29, 2005

What a day.

Well, it certainly was an eventful day at the McCullough household. Heather has had some dental work that has needed taken care of for a long time, but when she's pregnant for the majority of the past 3 years, it's hard to get it done. Anywho, I came home from physical therapy to find her in agony and sobbing about how bad her head hurts, so I figured something needed to be done immediatley. She had already called all the Dentists in town to set up an appointment, but they were all either closed, or had no openings till next week. She sure as hell didn't look like she could last another hour, let along another week. So I called the dental office here on base and thankfully they said she could come in. Good for her, bad for me. So while they were busy removing a nerve from one of her teeth, I was at home trying to control the kids. They know I am injured, they are like wild animals, toying with me just to watch me try to stop them. Aidan kicked the gate down and would begin to head upstairs while Ethan would run around screaming to get my attention. It only got worse when I attempted to feed Gracie. Since I am not blessed with breasts, I have to give her a bottle, which she has NEVER taken before, and was in no hurry to do today. So while I try to feed her a bottle that she just spits back at me, the boys decide to rush the gate into the dining room and run wild in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and make a decent attempt at getting into the garage before I can get a hold of both of them. Finally, I turned on Pee Wee's Big Adventure, stuck Aidan in his high chair and dragged him into the living room, sat Ethan on the couch next to me, and finally got Gracie to take a bottle. Not long after, I heard the garage door open and the nightmare was over.


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