it's better to be hated for who you are, then loved for who you are not.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Worth the wait.

After nearly a week with my 360, I must say, this thing kicks some serious ass. I love the new Xbox Live stuff like the gamercard and seeing when my friends come online even when I'm watching a movie, and being able to talk them anytime they are on live, no matter what game they are playing, and no matter where I am in the world. Oh yeah, XBox Live Arcade is like gaming crack, being able to download old school arcard games and play them in high def resolution with other people on Xbox Live is awesome. I played Hexic, the Xbox Arcade game that comes free with the 360, till close to 3 in the morning last night. It was made by the same gut that invented Tetris, so you know that it is an absolutely brillinat game. I also hooked up the 360 to my PC using Windows Media Connect, which allows me to stream all of my music and pictures from my computer straight to my Xbox. It even let me change my background in the 360 dashboard with one of my pictures on the computer. If I had a Windows Media Center computer I'd be able to stream HD movies to my 360 and watch them on the bigscreen, but I think I've spent enough money this month. By the way, the games kicked me square in the balls. Perfect Dark is insane. It feels exactley like the original N64 version, but injected with more steroids than Jose Canseco could dream of. There are so many damn multiplayer modes that I still haven't even seen close to half of them. Kameo is fucking fantastic. The art style is beautiful, and the amount of stuff happens on screen at once would make the original Xbox cough up blood and die. Madden was kinda disappointing to me at first, but after changing the controls to fit my tastes, I love the game. The graphics are amazing of course, as well as the sound effects ( the fact that John Madden isn't doing the play by play is a great change) It does suck that so many modes have been taken away, but it just makes me want next year's version that much more. Project Gotham Racing 3, as expected, is stunning visually. I have always been a big fan of series trademark gameplay where you earn more points if you pull off impressive moves during the racing, but I haven't been able to play it too much since I am kind of addicted to Perfect Dark at the moment. I also rented Call of Duty 2 and Condemned, and I expect to get them early next week. Dead or Alive 4 comes out on Dec. 7, which is the game I have been anticipating the most for the 360 launch. I can't wait to go online and kick some ass as a Spartan from the Halo universe. Actually, I prefer Bayman and Hitmomi in DoA2 Ultimate, but from what I have read, the gameplay has changed a good bit and has also been sped up a lot also. I can't wait. I also threw in Halo 2 to see if it looked any different, and I was definetly pleasantly surprised. Since I have a big screen HDTV, every flaw in Halo 2 stood out like a sore thumb when I played it on my orinial Xbox. But with the full screen AA and HDTV resolution, this game looks much, much better. Just another great reason to own a 360. Ahhh, look it how I have rambled on. This system is fantastic. If you are a fan of videogames at all, I suggest picking one up as soon as you possibly can. It is definetly worth every penny.


  • At 6:26 PM, November 27, 2005 , Blogger Irish said...

    I am loving the 360! I have been rotating games all week man, and when I get COD2, it's all over. Great call on Kameo man, Its a favorite of mine.


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